Launch the Fantasy Cricket App Before the T20 World Cup!


Launch the Fantasy Cricket App Before the T20 World Cup: Hidden Reasons and Opportunities!

Fantasy Cricket App for T20 World Cup
Fantasy Cricket App for T20 World Cup
The countdown has begun, and the excitement is already in the air for the upcoming T-20 World Cup. Although the event will take place in June 2024, the excitement and anticipation among cricket enthusiasts are already visible, with fans worldwide buzzing in anticipation of this exhilarating cricket festival.
There is another important factor related to it that may interest business owners, and that is business opportunities. One of the best ideas regarding profitable business opportunities is investing in Fantasy Cricket App Development. It provides an interactive platform for cricket lovers, taking their excitement to the next level.
The demand for fantasy cricket apps for the T-20 World Cup is continuously increasing, making more and more companies interested in this venture. Considering all the cricket-related events like the IPL, aspiring companies have recognized the importance and benefits of investing in a Real Money Fantasy Cricket App.

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One of the major reasons behind these applications’ success is that each user is a fan and a cricket expert. Hence, there’s no better platform than fantasy apps that allow users to display their cricket expertise.

Best Fantasy Cricket App to Earn Money - Explore here!

As fantasy sports gain worldwide recognition and fan following, the demand for fantasy sports apps is also increasing with each passing day. Here we present the top 5 fantasy cricket apps to showcase your fantasy sports skills and techniques.

MPL - Mobile Premier League

Mobile Premier League (MPL) is one of the most popular Indian online gaming platforms. At present, it offers 50+ games in various sports categories. MPL offers fantasy cricket, football, and basketball leagues and has collaborated with major sports leagues such as the NBA and Indian Premier League.


Dream11 is a widely known fantasy sports platform based in India. It offers fantasy games for various sports like cricket, football, basketball, etc. It allows users to enter various types of contests, including free and paid leagues, head-to-head contests, and mega contests with large prize pools.


Vision11 is another popular name in the fantasy sports world. Similar to dream11, it offers users the opportunity to create their own teams and participate in various contests. Developers designed this platform to be accessible and easy to use, allowing users to easily navigate their progress with ease.


BalleBaazi is a Top Fantasy Cricket App that focuses mainly on cricket but also offers fantasy leagues for other sports such as football, baseball, kabaddi, etc. It allows users to create virtual teams of real-life players and compete in various sports contests to win real cash prizes.


Playerzpot is the Best Fantasy Cricket App to Earn Money. It offers fantasy contests for a variety of sports, including cricket, football, basketball, kabaddi, and hockey. It also provides a range of content types, such as head-to-head, small leagues, mega contests, and practice contests, catering to different user preferences and budgets.

Growth of Fantasy Sports in India

Millions of users contribute to the popularity of fantasy cricket apps. So, launching a unique cricket app could be a profitable business idea. But before going further into Fantasy Cricket App Development, let’s start with some important stats related to fantasy sports mobile app development.
  • The growth of India’s fantasy sports market is projected to escalate from Rs 34,600 crore in FY21 to an estimated Rs 1,65,000 crore by FY25, achieving a CAGR of 38%.
  • According to a report made by the Federation of Indian Fantasy Sports (FIFS) in collaboration with Deloitte, India holds the biggest fantasy sports market in the world, with a user base of over 13 crore.
  • The global fantasy app market is said to reach around $71.23 billion in 2031 at a CAGR of 12.9%.
  • Registered users of Indian fantasy sports are expected to reach around 500 million by 2027.
In the past 10 years, the number of participants in fantasy sports in India has increased by a remarkable 700%, while the number of fantasy sports users has grown by 25000%. India provides a diverse range of fantasy sports options, from fantasy cricket to fantasy kabaddi. Due to their massive popularity and growth potential, it has sparked tremendous interest among Indian sports fans in virtual sports.
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Most users of fantasy sports in India are between the ages of 25 and 40. Around 25% to 30% of the investment used for taking part in these sports comes directly from these players’s wallets. More than 70% of pay-to-play users have annual incomes exceeding 3 lakh per annum, around 75% of the respondents engage in fantasy sports three times a week, and 20% of the respondents reported playing fantasy sports more than five times a week.

How do I create a fantasy cricket app for the T20 World Cup 2024?

Developing a custom fantasy cricket platform before the T20 World Cup 2024 can be profitable, especially with the right strategy and expertise. Take a look at these steps to develop an ultimate fantasy cricket app with the help of app development experts like “Fantasy App Developer”:

Analysis of the Tournament Format:

  • Understand the strategy, structure, groups, schedule, and knockout progression of the IPL 2024 tournament.
  • Thorough analysis is crucial for the design and development of fantasy contests that match the tournament format and engage users effectively.

Model T20 World Cup Player Statistics:

  • Use the statistics of the historical T20 World Cup, recently formed guides, and head-to-head records of players likely to take part in the 2024 IPL.
  • Create player rating algorithms based on these stats and records to accurately reflect player performance in fantasy tournaments and contests.

Set up multiple T20 World Cup contests:

  • Create daily contests for every IPl match, allowing users to create teams and compete for rewards and bonuses depending on the performance of players in individual matches.
  • Create tournament-long leagues to sustain engagement throughout the IPl season, providing users with opportunities to compete against each other throughout the tournament.
  • Consider hosting multi-team grand contests for marquee matches, such as rivalries and competitiveness between popular teams or key playoff games, to reach a wider audience base and increase excitement.

Integrate Bonus Point Triggers:

  • Incorporate bonus points into the Fantasy Cricket Prediction App for player milestones, such as scoring 50 runs, taking a hat-trick, or other remarkable achievements during IPL matches.
  • Incorporating bonus points enhances user engagement by offering rewards to users for making predictions and cheering on standout performances by players.

Test Rigorously Before the Tournament:

  • Conduct thorough testing and stress runs of the fantasy app, including the app itself, infrastructure, and payment flows.
  • Test various scenarios to ensure the app can handle high traffic volumes during peak match days without performance issues.
  • Rigorous testing initiatives are essential to identify and address any potential cyber threats, bugs, errors, or issues before the IPl tournament begins, ensuring a smooth user experience throughout the event.
By following this game plan and collaborating with top app development companies, you can develop a high-quality IPL fantasy cricket app that capitalizes on the excitement of the tournament and provides users with an engaging and immersive fantasy sports experience.

Key Features of Our Fantasy Cricket App

When creating a fantasy cricket app, there are several essential key features you need to consider to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience. Here, we present some of these key features.

01. User registration and profile creation

It allows users to register for the app easily using their email, phone number, or social media accounts. It also lets users create and manage their profiles, which include details about participants, preferences, and settings. It allows users to register for the app easily using their email, phone number, or social media accounts.

02. Player Selection and Team Creation

Offer a user-friendly interface for choosing players from real-life cricket teams to make virtual teams. Implement budget constraints to simulate real-life team management, where users can stay within a predefined budget while choosing players.
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03. Customizable Leagues

This feature enables users to create custom leagues with their friends, family members, colleagues, or communities. It allows them to compete exclusively within their own groups.

04. Live Score Updates and Real-Time Analytics

Integrate live score updates and real-time analytics to keep users updated regarding the performance of their fantasy teams during the matches. Display player points, rankings, and leaderboards dramatically as the matches progress.

05. Payment Gateway Integration

Incorporate secure payment gateways to facilitate transactions for contest entry fees, cash deposits, and prize withdrawals. Support multiple methods of payment, including credit and debit cards, net banking, and digital wallets, to accommodate user preferences.

06. Push Notifications and Alerts

Send timely notifications and alerts to users regarding upcoming matches, contest results, prize distributions, and other important events. Allow users to customize their notification preferences and settings based on their preferences.

07. Data Security and Privacy

Implement strong and advanced security measures to protect user data, including encryption, data anonymization, and secure authentication protocols. Comply with relevant data protection regulations and guidelines to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of user data.

Cost to Develop a Fantasy Cricket App in 2024

The cost of developing a fantasy cricket app can differ depending on various features, complexities, and team rates. For startups, the development cost of a basic app containing only essential features might range from $10,000 to $30,000. Small to medium-sized enterprises may need to invest between $30,000 and $120,000 for a more complex app with advanced features like live scoring and social integration.
Companies that require top-tier customisation and scalability can expect the fantasy sports app development cost to exceed $130.000. It’s highly essential to collaborate with experienced and skilled developers who can offer accurate cost estimates tailored to your specific business needs. It helps ensure a successful and cost-effective mobile app development journey, which ultimately leads to a high-quality fantasy cricket app that meets your business objectives.

Hire Fantasy App Developer for expertise!

You need to hire a fantasy app developer that brings a range of expertise and expert knowledge to your project. These professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of fantasy sports app development, from implementing essential features like player selection to incorporating complex and technologically advanced features and functionalities such as live scoring and social integration.

By working closely with a fantasy app developer, you can ensure that your app is customized to meet your specific business requirements and stands out from competitors. Not only that, these developers can help streamline the development process, minimize costs, and provide ongoing technical support post-launch.

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The above-provided details and information talk about the launch of the fantasy cricket app before the T20 World Cup. Launching a fantasy cricket app before the T20 World Cup may indeed pose challenges, but the hidden reasons and opportunities outweigh the risks. By capitalizing on the excitement surrounding the tournament, businesses can drive user engagement, boost brand visibility, and position themselves as industry leaders in the rapidly growing fantasy sports landscape. Stay tuned for more updates.


Explore more frequently asked questions to clear your doubts about Fantasy Cricket Software. If you have more to ask, feel free to leave a comment!

To stand out, focus on offering unique features, a seamless user experience, and engaging content. Tailor your app’s marketing strategy to target cricket enthusiasts and leverage social media platforms to create buzz. To stand out, focus on offering features, a seamless user experience, and engaging content.
Essential features include player selection, live scoring, real-time updates, team management, social sharing, and interactive contests. Consider adding special T20 World Cup-themed challenges and promotions to attract users.
To reach your target audience, utilize various marketing channels, such as social media, influencer partnerships, content marketing, and targeted advertising. Create compelling promotional campaigns and offer incentives to attract users.
Challenges may include competition, technical issues, user acquisition costs, and legal considerations. Thorough planning, market research, strategic partnerships, and continuous optimization can help overcome these challenges.
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